首頁 / 退貨及退款政策
Please be sure to check the products thoroughly upon receiving the parcel, any order discrepancy or damage must be reported to our customer service team within 5 working days of invoice date and also provide the invoice and product photos. Upon the confirmation of the product return is obtained from our customer service representative, any unopened product within 12 working days after original purchase date (order date) will be applied to a full refund after the deduction of 15% of the administration fee. 當簽收包裹之前,請仔細檢查及核對閣下的貨品。如果發現有任何貨品偏差或貨品無故損毀的情況, 請必須於發單日期起的5個工作天內通知我們客戶服務團隊,並附上發貨單及貨品證明照片。 客戶服務代表如果同意批核其退貨要求,請閣下於發單日期起的12 個工作天內退回任何未曾開封的貨品,我們扣除15%行政費後將全數退回。